Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Partying Hardy

It's a gloomy Tuesday morning, as most mornings have been lately. Aaron is sitting to my right playing some car game on his DS. Every once in awhile he screams something like, "I just gave someone a tattoo. Awesome!" and too my left is a rain infested window. What better time to update my followers, who probably gave up on me a long time ago?! If not, thanks... I would have ;)

So over the last two and a half months, I have been partying hardy... getting out almost every weekend and a couple times a week. Considering it has been so long, I will do my best to just list in no particular order.

About a month ago I took a trip to Ocean World, the supposed biggest waterpark in Korea. We headed out after work one Friday night. Were able to drive there (second time since being here... yes, it is a treat!). Two and a half hours later we arrived at our tree themed hotel and began to entertain our hosts. Our buddy Pete got the hooks up from his Korean co-workers, so to repay them for their hospitality and discounted tickets, we had to play games and chat with them till the wee hours. The following morning, the five of us hiked to the park. It was the hottest of days, thank goodness we were spending it in the water. My tum was upset for the first two hours, but after that I was able to enjoy the ridiculous wave pool and sled rides. It was a bit too busy for my tastes - two hour lines for 45 second rides - but was just as happy resting in the sun... and that we did! We left late that night, and I crashed soon after... you know how exhausting water and sun can be.

Now all I can remember are the days in the sun I've been having. The last two adventures have involved Aaron, so we'll start there...
He arrived July 2nd, which could not have come soon enough. The month prior was torture waiting for him to come. Thankfully he was able to find cheap weekend tickets at the end of May, but it was almost just a tease. Basically, I want him around all the time, and am incredibly grateful to have him by my side even now, as we both indulge ourselves in technology.

The first weekend he was here, we had a work a party on that Friday. We had a good time with my co-workers inhaling copious amounts of meat and soju, then went out on the town with some fellow foreigners. The next day, Independence Day, I had some serious stomach problems. Weird you say?! Right. Eventually I got my stuff together and was able to participate in a "hot date night" in Myeongdong. The mission, unsuccessful, was to find Keens for the fella. Sunday morning came bright an early with a mission to get wet and wild. We headed off to Everland's Caribbean Bay, another waterpark, superior to Ocean World, as I saw it. The wave pool was subpar, but we were there early enough to hit some sweet rides, and stay late enough that we were able to relax in the wave pool. The best part about it all was being there with my best friend. Waiting for an hour in line was a pleasure... it was like we were doing what we always do - chat, joke and people watch - but with a reward at the end. That day we consumed about four sausages, floated down the lazy river twice, attempted to get massages (would have been my first), and hit up 50% of the slides. My favorites were the couple ones... yep, pretty cornball!

After weekends like that, Monday hits in a brutal and miserable way. It's as if I need another weekend to recover from my weekend. School has been alright lately. I had a rough last month, but that all ended over a week ago, the climax being my open class. We have been preparing our kindies, mine a mere five years old, for the open class. Essentially, the parents came in for an hour and watched me teach their children and show what they have learned. As scared as I was, the results came back very positive. That's all that really matters now. I won't go into the griping details. Also, it seemed the treatment was getting unfair again. The directors were watching my kindy classes on the monitors and seemed to be observing every one of my elementary classes. That's the second time I have felt insecure about my teaching. Again, all that is done now, so nothing to worry about. In other news, the directors have been listening to us...
We have recommended that more creative writing be encouraged, as with most Asian students, structure and systems are a comfort making it difficult to use their imaginations. As a result of these discussions, I get to teach a special newspaper class, involving essays and discussions or debates!

Back to the wet and wild fun. This last weekend, July 11tth and 12th, thousands of foreigners and Koreans took buses over to Boryeong, for their annual MudFestival http://www.asknow.ca/mudfest/. Check it out if you want more details. I think the pictures and video sum up our weekend pretty well. However, the website does not include the weather issues of this years fest. It put a major damper on everything. It was miserable getting muddy, because that meant a wet body on the windy coast... not pleasant. Don't you worry, that didn't stop us! Aaron and I were able to stay together, gaining and losing friends along the way, but always participating in some kind of mud battle. Good times were had, but after being freezing and wind blown, we ended up crashing around 11, waking to a crazy storm, one you would only find on the coast. Ash, Aaron and I trudged through this rain for about an hour looking for a buffet. By 8am we were successful, warm and full :) We crashed for a few more hours after that, were kicked our of our minbak by noon, so sought shelter in a friend chicken joint. The buses left at three, and thank goodness. We were happy to get home. A good weekend overall, but could have been the best had the weather not been so miserable. Oh well.

As far as partying hardy, that is about all I can gather over the last month. I'm sure I will think of more later. We had plans of going away to an island this weekend, but that has fallen through. We are having to work Saturday afternoon, but not tomorrow...
The Korean government is trying to put a limit on how much Academies like mine can charge for lessons. They are also wanting to limit the hours one can be open. How dare they try to regulate private education. I will stop my argument there. Tomorrow, Wednesday July 15th, educators are demonstrating at the government center, so we don't have classes. Of course we have to make this up on a weekend though. At least it's for a good cause, eh? Pray that the government hears their people.

I'm hoping that maybe on Sunday we can hit up Lotte World, an amusement park. I'm addicted, and I know Aaron loves that stuff. As much as I hate wishing away time, my second break of the year will be much needed and appreciated. On July 25th we are headed to Jeju Island for five days of hiking and sightseeing. WooWee I am excited. Pray also that the rainy season decides to let up for once. That would be nice.

I think that's about as much as I can type for this lazy morning. Must get ready for work. Know that even though I am not writing you, I am thinking of you. I miss my friends and family terribly, and look forward to the days of dinners and outings. I love you all!

PS I am too tired to reread or edit, so my poor writing is what you get! Soorry.

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