Sunday, December 20, 2009

Finally a Finale

I haven’t written a blog entry in months, I am aware. This entry is a shot in the dark, assuming someone may still read it. My dad asked for this a month ago, well here you go!

The end of my term in Guri was a bit topsy turvy. My directors made it difficult to get a plane ticket and they asked that I move 18 days before my flight out. Regardless of all the excitement, everything turned out just fine. I bit my lip and suffered the financial loss on the ticket. The move was successful and impressive, I was just glad that the smaller apartment was only mine for a few weeks.

Aaron was able to visit my second to last week, October 1st. The final week at school was a painful but joyous one. It was so hard to say goodbye to the kids, but they had heartfelt parties and gifts. My kindy class even sang an “I love you, Goodbye Kelsey Teacher” song. My co-teacher reports that they still ask about me. I can’t bare to look at pictures. I miss my nuggets so much.

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